Insight, Techniques & Apparatus

For the technically minded, one of the biggest surprises about my photography is that I don’t use any colour correction, colour balancing, or special effects filters and I don’t use flash or coloured gels.

Apart from using an ultra violet or skylight 1B filter to protect the front element of my lenses, all my photography is natural using available light.

Also, none of the images on this Web Site have been digitally manipulated or enhanced.

The equipment that I use to take these images include a Nikon F4 camera body together with a Nikkor 15mm F3.5, 20mm F2.8, 24mm F2.8, 35 - 70mm F2.8 zoom and an 80 - 200mm F2.8 zoom lens all housed in a Lowe Pro Photo Trekker bag.

I also use a sturdy Manfrotto tripod, and a Nikon DR3 right angle view finder for close to the ground shots.

The film stock that I use is Fujichrome Velvia Professional RVP.

I shoot all of my lightning, landscape and underwater shots on Velvia. This film achieves amazing levels of highly saturated colours, vivid colour reproduction and depth of tone.

My posters are 800 x 600mm in size and I use Velvia because of it’s ultra fine grain, superb sharpness and fantastic resolution. An incredible amount of detail is rendered because the grain is so fine and it is perfect for lithographic reproductions.

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